Topographic survey

A comprehensive set of works for creating topographic or geodetic plans and maps of the terrain.

Topographic surveying allows obtaining highly accurate plans of land plots, including the actual data on their shape, contours, terrain relief, as well as all geographical and geometric elements and objects present on them. It serves as a fundamental source material for the development of master plans of the territory, construction projects, engineering design, and other purposes. Additionally, topographic survey data can be used as a basis for creating digital terrain models.


We provide data for various types and levels of topographic and geodetic works in scales of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, and 1:5000 to solve the following tasks:

[ 01 ]\
Creating master plans for development
[ 02 ]\
Urban planning documentation
[ 03 ]\
Engineering communication design, transportation routes, and construction objects
[ 04 ]\
Infrastructure development and landscaping
[ 05 ]\
Exploration of mineral deposits, and more


For data collection, we use our own developed UAV called "Skif" - a fixed-wing type of drone. In one shift, a single aircraft can cover an area of up to 1,000 hectares, and with a modern navigation system and a 61 MP camera, we can obtain images with a resolution of up to 1 cm per pixel.

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Skif UAV

We provide services as DaaS - Drone-as-a-Service. This allows you to avoid purchasing non-specialized aviation equipment and simply enter into an aerial monitoring contract and wait for the ready data within a few days.

This working format increases the speed and quality of work execution and enables large-scale research to be conducted on any area within tight deadlines.


  • [ 1 - 4 ]

    Preparation of technical specifications and work execution plan, collection and analysis of necessary information, study of documentation

  • [ 2 - 4 ]

    Obtaining permission to perform the work, deployment of the flight crew, reconnaissance of the area, and aerial photography

  • [ 3 - 4 ]

    Systematization and analysis of the collected data, preparation of topographic materials based on them

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    Compilation of a summary report and provision in a convenient format for the client


[ 01 ]\
We offer reliable, long-term, and mutually beneficial partnerships
[ 02 ]\
We develop and mass-produce drones, as well as 85% of their components
[ 03 ]\
We provide a full cycle of aerial monitoring services - from data collection using UAVs to its digitization, analysis, and report preparation in a specified format
[ 04 ]\
We have over 9 years of expertise in conducting aerial monitoring and continuously improve both the capabilities of our equipment and our skills in managing it.
[ 05 ]\
Our UAVs allow us to capture images with a resolution of up to 1 cm per pixel.
[ 06 ]\
We execute pilot projects and large-scale research on any area within tight deadlines.
[ 07 ]\
We offer practical solutions and services for positive changes in your business.