Drones and Independence: how UAVs became a symbol of the Ukrainian struggle for freedom

Drones and Independence: how UAVs became a symbol of the Ukrainian struggle for freedom

The year of the 31st anniversary of Ukraine's independence is one of the most difficult, but perhaps the most important in its history. It has been a test of strength, endurance, maturity and self-awareness for all of us. When our statehood was encroached upon by the russian occupants, along with incredible despair, we realized the true value of freedom and independence – for all Ukrainians are willing to fight to the end.

Hardened by enemy shelling, we not only stood our ground, but we were able to do what many others could not – we rallied the entire civilized world to fight for democracy, peace, and development.

With the start of the war, the life of Culver Aviation, as well as all Ukrainians, changed radically: almost all of our UAV operators joined the AFU in the first days of the full-scale invasion to defend the state, the office and production were forced to move to the west of the country, and company employees worked the first months without days off to produce as many drones as possible and as fast as possible.

Our civilian SKIF drone, which in peacetime helped monitor changes in the fields, plan urban development and explore the terrain, now serves our defenders at the front lines and assesses the extent of the destruction caused by bombing, rocket and artillery fire by russian occupants.

Realizing the urgent need for all the "wings" and "eyes" in the air today, Culver Aviation has joined the "Army of Drones" project to provide systematic procurement, repair and maintenance of drones for the needs of the Ukrainian military.

"Drones in 2022 have become a kind of symbol of our struggle, and they are badly needed today not only at the front – different spheres and sectors need them: from the agricultural and construction sectors to civil protection of population and territories from emergencies. An important role of UAVs in ensuring food security and post-war reconstruction of the economy – their use will allow to use available resources more effectively and optimize work.

We are sure that thanks to the latest technologies Ukraine will win the war and will revive after it, and at the same time we are sure that even in the hardest times we have to keep working and move forward. The events of this year have shown how Ukrainians can unite in the face of a common enemy: this cannot but inspire new achievements. This year Culver Aviation has realized the idea we have been nurturing since 2017 - our new innovative development, which in the near future we will present at the exhibition in the USA.

We believe in the Ukrainian armed forces and we know that soon our SKIF will be shooting bird's-eye view of the liberated lands and rebuilt cities of the sovereign, independent and united Ukraine.

Together to Victory! Glory to Ukraine!", — Oleksandr Danylenko, CEO of Culver Aviation.