Culver Aviation took part in the NUBiP forum on post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

Culver Aviation took part in the NUBiP forum on post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

Culver Aviation became a participant in the SEB-2022 forum, dedicated to finding effective mechanisms of cooperation between science, education and business to ensure the post-war reconstruction of the country.

About 600 participants took part in the forum.

The event was held July 20, 2022 at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management.

Challenges, which the Ukrainian economy faces in 2022, need effective cooperation between public authorities, business and scientific and educational organizations. Forum "SEB-2022" has become a platform for discussion of current problems of development of the country and ways to solve them.

An important component in ensuring food security, post-war rebirth and European integration of Ukraine is the introduction of innovation and new technologies.
Air monitoring plays an important role for efficient use of resources and optimization of a number of sectors: agriculture, forestry, mining, civil protection of population and territories from emergencies.

At the exhibition of achievements in the framework of the forum Culver Aviation presented its own drone SKIF, which allows taking high resolution images of the earth's surface and create high accuracy maps based on them. The plane was the center of attention of those present, and particular curiosity aroused the new direction of the company - the creation of 3D models based on aerial photography to assess the destruction caused by the Russian occupants. The resulting three-dimensional images can be used to form evidence of war crimes by the occupiers and to obtain international financial aid.

Culver Aviation is an innovative technological company, the developments of which can be applied in various fields and industries: from monitoring of crops, forests, roads and other objects to assessment of the consequences of natural disasters and destruction. Through our participation in the forum, we have confirmed our readiness for effective cooperation for the purpose of post-war renewal of Ukraine.