Culver Aviation presented its in-house produced drone SKIF as a part of the "Army of Drones" project

Culver Aviation presented its in-house produced drone SKIF as a part of the "Army of Drones" project

Culver Aviation participated in the presentation of high-tech drones for Ukrainian "Army of Drones", held on August 2 in Gostomel.

The event was dedicated to the first large purchase of UAVs for the funds raised through the UNITED24 platform. Already in the near future they will be sent to the frontline.

The company's CTO Dmitry Grishchak presented the "flying wing" SKIF drone of Culver Aviation's own production as part of the "Army of Drones" project.

Despite the fact that our SKIF is a civilian agricultural drone, today it successfully performs important tasks for the work of the state economy: it measures fields, monitors crops, assesses the consequences of natural disasters, and helps to rebuild the country by collecting data on the destruction caused by the occupiers, as a part of the "russia will pay" initiative.

"Drones are ultra-important today, and not just on the frontline: agriculture and forestry, the state emergency services, the mining industry, and united territorial communities need them. Ukraine now needs all available "wings" in the air, and our mapping drones are also ready to join all necessary tasks", — notes the CEO of Culver Aviation Oleksandr Danylenko.

"Army of Drones" is a project launched by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Service of Special Communications. The goal of the project is to provide drones to the Ukrainian military.