Culver Aviation is launching a new service - the creation of 3D models for damage assessment

Culver Aviation is launching a new service - the creation of 3D models for damage assessment

Since the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, almost 38 000 residential buildings in Ukraine were destroyed or damaged. In addition, numerous infrastructure facilities and architectural monuments were affected. There will be a large-scale reconstruction in Ukraine, which will last more than one year. It will be preceded by a huge work of assessing the destructions.                                                       

Culver Aviation has competitive advantages that will allow becoming a leader in this service:

Quick data analysis

Thanks to the latest high-resolution cameras, Culver Aviation drones significantly speed up data collection. In just one flight, a drone creates a high-quality aerial view of buildings, and then the team of GIS specialists transforms it into three-dimensional models. These models show an objective picture of the status of the sites.

Own UAV fleet

Today the market lacks equipment because a large number of drones and UAVs were sent to the front. At the same time, one of the largest companies in the industry left Ukraine. Due to the lack of spare parts, soon there will be fewer drones suitable for such tasks.
Culver Aviation has a production facility and service department, thanks to which the company can expand its fleet and maintain it, regardless of external circumstances.

Team of experienced UAV operators

The company has strong expertise and operators with real experience in working with drones, including reconnaissance ones. Culver Aviation has its school of drone operators. Three groups have already finished the course, and the best four graduates have been hired by Culver Aviation.

Today, about 1 100 Ukrainian localities have been liberated. To examine 1 locality, you need 1 day; to examine all of them - over 3 years. Can you imagine that? We have everything to do it much faster: well-established business processes, a large fleet of UAVs, experienced operators, and our own large department of GIS specialists. We have the capability to increase the volumes and scale —Sergiy Ivanov, Chief Commercial Officer at Culver Aviation

It is worth mentioning, that Culver Aviation handed over 6 SKIF UAVs of its own production and laptops, worth $164,000 (UAH 4.8 million), to the defenders of Ukraine.