Culver Aviation hires students from its drone operator school

Culver Aviation hires students from its drone operator school

Culver Aviation opened a UAV operator school in western Ukraine, where the company evacuated production after Russian troops invaded. Classes are attended both by local residents and internally displaced people who want to learn a new profession. The school is taught by the company's experienced operators and GIS specialists.

Air monitoring service provider Culver Aviation has employed 10 students at its drone operator school.

"The school started operating on April 18," says Culver Aviation Commercial Director Sergey Ivanov. - Seven weeks later, the operator courses were attended by 70 students. Ten of them were offered jobs as drone operators at Culver Aviation.

The drone operator course program consists of two parts.

Theory includes three days of lectures during which students learn about the purpose, design, and capabilities of drones and are introduced to Mission Planner, a software program for setting up and operating drones. Students are also introduced to the principles of remote sensing, basics of aerial photography, meteorology and geodesy.

The practical sessions of the course consist of training and test flights on the copters.

Culver Aviation opened a UAV operator school in western Ukraine, where the company evacuated production after Russian troops invaded. Classes are attended both by local residents and internally displaced people who want to learn a new profession. The school is taught by the company's experienced operators and GIS specialists.

The most successful graduates are immediately offered a job, as 90% of Culver Aviation operators have joined the ranks of the GIS, and now the company is preparing a talent pool.

To enroll in the school of UAV operators, call 0 800 35 27 14, or mail